ArtForum Editions is an imprint of the non-profit Artforum Culture Foundation, started in the mid-90s. The main subject is creating publications and graphic edition in collaboration with artists, charitable foundations and international projects. As an independent institution, ArtForum Editions can pursue goals outside the mainstream and promotes independently avantgarde tendencies. Limited books and catalogue-editions are published in collaboration with different partners, i.e. with MarcMan Graphics.

One of a few long-term projects was dedicated to a Philosophy of Photography. In 2020 a book in two volumes by the German-Greek art theorist Orestis Safiriou was finally published: Geglaubte Wahrheiten (Believed Truths). Using the life and work of the conceptual artist and photographer Heinz-Günter Mebusch (1952-2001) the book is going far beyond the personal aspect. It is a unique philosophical parkour, undertaken into the realms of knowledge and belief. The publication was made possible by using manuscripts from ArtForum archive. First edition is published in German. An English edition is in preparation.

A further long-term project is dedicated to the late Swiss artist photographer Vera Isler (1931 - 2015). Together with the Art-Nachlassverwaltung in Bern/Switzerland, Artforum Culture Foundation is managing photographic portfolios of significant cultural heritage. A highlight of the collection are the hundreds of ultimate portraits of the important artists from the second half of the 20th century. Artforum Editions has published catalogues and editions, a monograph is in preparation.

Under the aka Art Production (AP) Astra, an artist pool of well-known and unknown artists was established outside their own artist brand staring in the early 1980s with the aim to create independently symbiotic art for young collectors. This commitment had become necessary due to the limitations that artists are often confronted inside the market activities. Over the years, a common line developed, in which visual appeal and content form a popular form. AP Astra became one of the favorite creators of graphic editions.

Great projects have been associated with crossover talent Michael Jansen for many years. Beuys already became aware of his artistic talent when he invited him to joint projects (see a.o. their collaborated work in the Lichtenstein Art Museum, Vaduz). Among the many cooperated publications are: Zeichen (signs) , Assemblagen, 2004, MetroMusic. Accompanied by an extensive series of graphic works, the volume OptiMystic Vitamins was recently published with pictures that were brought to light by Jansen from the wonder worlds of artistic fantasies. For the estimated viewer these images are a chance to become a life companion, both in private and in public space.

Another great artist, who collaborate for many years with ArtForum Editions is the painter, sculptor, graphic artist and filmmaker Heinz Zolper. He became famous through creation of the “Dame” motif as a big icon for women and gender equality. But generally his icon is a symbol and motivation for love and respect. Just in his early years he was cooperating with Andy Warhol, both admired each other's personality and work. Graphics by Zolper have been published over the last years exclusively by ArtForum Editions. Recently a few book publication were published by ArtForum Editions: Safiriou, Magic of painting / or / What it's like to be yourself. Paintings by Heinz Zolper 1979 - 2019 and Safiriou, Zolper. Kain – Prinzip des Bösen i principle of the Evil. Both books were edited by Peter Merten and published in limited editions, some with graphic supplements.

A monograph of Georgios Bouzians and his contribution to German and European expressionism has been in preparation for years. Numerous images from private collections will provide a vivid picture of this artist who was formerly active in Greece, France and Germany.

The importance of Greek artists and art mediators can no longer be ignored in the history of modern art. A project about a compendium on the importance of Greek modern and contemporary art had started in the early 1990s. It will due for publication in conjunction with an updated artist dictionary. Just to say a few names: the influences of Zervos and Teriade on classic modern art are as much a fact as e.g. the influence and support of Alexander Iolas to modern and popular art (from Magritte to Warhol). Greek artists like Gyzis, Parthenis, Bouzianis, Ghikas, Gaitis, Tsarouchis, Akrithakis or Kounellis have left also lasting impressions.
However, art has no borders. It speaks it’s own language. The American star photographer George DuBose pointed this out very clearly, when he said: I speak music (milao musiki). He has gone to photograph and design more than 300 album and single covers for such diverse artists as the Ramones, Kid Creole and the Coconuts, XCLAN, RunDMC and Melissa Etheridge. In 2009, the New York Times said "DuBose is one of the most important album designers in the past 40 years". Bonafide Magazine (UK) called DuBose: "The Godfather of Hip Hop Photography", Grand Slam Magazine (UK) called DuBose: "Hip-Hop's most recognizable photographer. For 2020 four art-calendars were published in cooperation with Wonderland Publishing, New York, as limited (signed and numbered) artist editions: George Dubose - Photography. Limited calendar - editions: My Best Shot. Rockers and New Wave artists I Old School Hip-Hop I Tom Waits I Madonna ... Raw. A very early concert. Further book and photo-editions will follow in close cooperation.

ArtForum Editions recently published editions, catalogues and monographs from many more international artists, like: Monika von Eschenbach, Jana Dettmer (Germany), Guillermo Malfitani (Argentinien), Pantelis Tsatsis (Greece).
It is a simple truth: Artists and their art need support. That's the reason ArtForum Editions publishes graphic editions as well as art catalogues and monographs on art. ArtForum Editions is giving as well advise to talented and established artists who are looking for an art-historical and art-philosophical discussion of their art and help to realise projects.